返回列表 发布时间:2022-11-30








严安通信工程系专任教师,毕业于四川大学电子与信息工程学院,获学博士学位,曾到美国加州理工学院联合培养一年。主要研究方向包括微波整流电路设计微波热致超声成像系统设计获得过亚洲无线输能协会(AWPT)最佳会议论文奖,在Applied Physics Letter等期刊发表过多篇学术论文,其中以第一作者发表期刊和会议论文11篇。




Brain tumor has a very high mortality rate, the accurate detection in early stage is conducive to improve the survival rate.contrast and high resolution. In the aspect of microwave transmitter, a new quasi-conical spiral antenna is proposed to achieve a more uniform radiation, so as to eliminate the "splitting" phenomenon caused by microwave non-uniform radiation. In the aspect of imaging algorithm, a multi-sector scanning based on linear interpolation is proposed to obtain the high-frequency thermal ultrasound components. Combined with a new high power microwave source, the high-resolution imaging of brain samples insider a skull is obtained, which confirms the great potential of the TAT of brain. In the aspect of system, this work proposes a kind of TAT imaging system which can realize three dimensional imaging, and obtains relatively clear three-dimensional image of a sample inside of the skull, which has a very positive significance for the applications of the TAT in brain imaging.

