Email: panqiwen@dgut.edu.cn
2010.09-2014.07 华南理工大学,材料学院,无机非金属专业,获得学士学位
2014.09-2019.12 华南理工大学,材料学院,材料学专业,硕博连读,获得博士学位
2020.01-2022.12 华南理工大学,物理与光电学院,博士后
2023.01-至今 东莞理工学院电子工程与智能化学院,高层次人才(学术骨干)/特聘副研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年基金(52002128),高效可调谐白光发射的新型纳米晶-玻璃复合材料及光纤,24万,在研,主持;
2. 广州市科技局,广州市基础与应用基础项目(202102021109),新型低损耗纳米晶-玻璃复合光纤及其多波段集成可调谐荧光的传感应用探索,5万,在研,主持;
3. 中国博士后科学基金会,中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2020M672621),溶液燃烧法”制备新型白光纳米晶-玻璃复合材料及光纤,结题,8万,主持;
1. G. Li, Q. Pan*, Z. Zhou, R. Gu, H. Zhang, X. Huang, G. Dong*, X. Xiao*, Stable CsPbX3 (X= Cl, Br, I) nanocrystal-in-glass composite (NGC) for solid-state laser-driven white light generation. Advanced Optical Materials, 2023: 2203028(通讯作者);
2. Q. Pan, D. Yang, J. Qiu, G. Dong*, Z. Yang*, Nanocrystals-in-glass Composites (NGC): A powerful pathway from nanocrystals to advanced optical materials, Progress in Materials Science, 2022, 130, 100998 (IF = 48.1650);
3. Q. Chen†, Q. Pan†, S. Kang, Z. Cai, S. Ye, P. Xiong, Z. Yang, J. Qiu, G. Dong*, Transparent Nanocrystal-in-glass composite (NGC) fiber for multifunctional temperature and pressure sensing, Fundamental Research, 2022 (In Press, available online 21 May 2022)(共同一作);
4. D. Yang, T. Zhao, H. Liang, J. Kang, X. Huang, Q. Pan*, G. Dong*, Highly thermostable fluoride nanocrystal-in-glass composite (NGC) for mid-infrared emission, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10, 9882 (IF = 8.0674)(通讯作者);
5. Q. Chen, Z. Cai, Q. Pan*, G. Dong*, Tm3+/Cr3+ co-doped dual-phase transparent glass-ceramics for light conversion in photosynthesis, Advanced Photonic Research, 2021, 2, 2000117(通讯作者);
6. Q. Pan, T. Ouyang, X. Wu, X. Huang, J. Yang, S. Kang, D. Yang, X. Liu, J. Qiu, G. Dong*, Emission color manipulation in transparent nanocrystals-in-glass composites fabricated by solution combustion process, Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8(6): 1901696 (IF = 10.0497);
7. Q. Pan, Z. Cai, Y. Yang, D. Yang, S. Kang, Z. Chen, J. Qiu, Q. Zhan, G. Dong*, Engineering tunable broadband near-infrared emission in transparent rare-earth doped nanocrystals-in-glass composites via a bottom-up strategy, Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7(6): 1801482 (IF = 10.0497);
8. Q. Pan, S. Ye, D. Yang, J. Qiu, G. Dong*, Multifunctional magnetic-fluorescent Ni-doped ZnAl2O4 nanoparticles with second biological NIR window fluorescence, Mater. Res. Bull., 2017, 93: 310-317 (IF = 5.5999)
1. 华南理工大学“校长奖学金”,2018年;
2. 华南理工大学“优博创新基金”,2017年。